Wednesday, July 29, 2009


You can read the details of confidence in a
book but actually having confidence in you
is very different matter.
You can read about it in your entire life
time but you won't have it until you make
a effort to achieve it. It is not something that
comes easily either. You will make mistakes
along the way towards building confidence
and you should be expected. Just like riding
a bike, you will fall and have scraps on your
knee few times, but then you have to get
back up on the bike and go for it.
Just get on the seat and do it.
One fine day you are going to have it.
Watching TV and reading books
won't bring confidence to you.The real deal
is that you are going to get on the seat and
start paddling.Confidence is not a theory.
Confidence is a feeling and state
of mind.

Therefore it is not completely possible for
any one to build confidence without having
to do something about it.
So, go on and start doing whatever
it is that you want to have confidence in
Do the right things and confidence will
come almost too naturally to you.
Money and gold won't buy you
confidence.Confidence won't come in a nice
packing from any store.Drug stores don't
sell confidence.And Doctors can't hand you
'confidence' in a bottle marked 'take three
times a day'.
The only person who
can give you

When you have experience that will lead
you to build your confidence.
The more time you do something the better
you get at it. The better you get at it, the
more confidence you will have.

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