Tuesday, September 15, 2009


A Simple Money Meditation

Here is A Simple Experiment that May Put $100 (or More) into Your Pocket

I believe in providing you with simple actions you can take that will give you definite, practical results. I'm not going to give you the psychology behind this experiment right now, just the steps:

1.Get a small card--the back of a business card works perfectly--and write on the back of it "$100." No affirmations, no other words, just the figure $100. Or if you live outside the U.S., you can write down an equivalent amount in your own currency.

2. Carry your card around with you and look at it several times a day.

3.The purpose of the card is to give you something tangible to focus your thoughts on. As you look at the card, visualize the amount. In your imagination, see that money in your hands. See it moving into your bank account.

4. After you download the 31 FREE Power Affirmations you will receive from joining my list, listen to all of them at least once each day. You don't have to listen to them all at once. And you can listen to them while you are doing other things. As you listen, keep saying to yourself "$100."

5.Once a day, use your computer or a blank piece of paper, or a notebook and write down any thoughts you have about the $100. Maybe an idea pops into your mind as to how you can earn an extra $100--how you can serve others. Or how you can save $100 (remember: a dollar saved is a dollar earned). I have also found it helpful to write out formulas that equal $100. For example, 5 x $20=$100; 10 x $10 = $100. It increases creative thoughts. I always use multiplication for this.

6.Make certain you notice when the $100 has come to you in the form of new income or new savings.

Celebrate your results. You have just proven to yourself that affirmations and the Law of Attraction works. And you now have a practical means of attracting more money into your life any time you want.

Can you do this with larger amounts? Absolutely. My advice is to gradually increase the amounts as your self-confidence and faith increases. If you apply this idea consistently, it may put thousands of dollars into your pocket over the next few years. More importantly, it will increase your understanding of the Law of Attraction.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Everyone who got where they are, had to begin where they were.
There are opportunities all around you.
To reach your goal or to attain success. you don't need to know all of the answers in advance.
But you do need to have a clear idea of your goal.
Don't procrastinate when faced with difficult problems.
Break those problems into parts and handle one part at a time.
Develop tendencies toward action.
Break your big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.
You can make something happen, right now.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Take it..

(This piece of Inspiration appeared on iyer mail)